【8 アバター対応】 Stylish Wear 💎
- ダウンロード商品【 Full Package 】¥ 4,500
- ダウンロード商品[ NovaBody(セナ) ] Stylish Wear¥ 2,000
- ダウンロード商品[ 森羅 Shinra ] Stylish Wear¥ 2,000
- ダウンロード商品[ マヌカ Manuka ] Stylish Wear¥ 2,000
- ダウンロード商品[ しなの Shinano ] Stylish Wear¥ 2,000
- ダウンロード商品[ 愛莉 Airi ] Stylish Wear¥ 2,000
- ダウンロード商品[ Lasyusha ] Stylish Wear¥ 2,000
- ダウンロード商品[ Kipfel ] Stylish Wear¥ 2,000
- ダウンロード商品[ 水瀬 Minase ] Stylish Wear¥ 2,000
✨ Outfit launch discount 🎉 [ 📆 Date ] 2024/12/12 ~ 2024/12/23 [ Novabody ] 2000JPY -> 1500 JPY [ Full Pack ] 4500 -> 3500 JPY ========================================== 📢 Information ○ The [ Stylish Wear ] is included ○ This clothes is compatible with [森羅(Shinra)/ マヌカ(Manuka)/ 愛莉(Airi)/ しなの(Shinano)/ ラシューシャ(Lasyusha)/ キプフェル(kipfel)/ 水瀬(Minase)] Avatar ○ Please use ** Modular avatar & VCC ** ( https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ ) ========================================== ★ [ 8 アバタ ] Avatar is not included [森羅(Shinra)] - mio3io ( https://booth.pm/ko/items/4707634 ) [マヌカ(Manuka)] - JINGO CHANNEL ( https://booth.pm/ko/items/5058077 ) [愛莉(Airi)] - キュビ ( https://booth.pm/ko/items/6082686 ) [しなの(Shinano)] - ポンデロニウム研究所 ( https://booth.pm/ko/items/6106863 ) [ラシューシャ(Lasyusha)] - Keenoo ( https://booth.pm/ko/items/4825073 ) [キプフェル(kipfel)] - もち山金魚 ( https://booth.pm/ko/items/5813187 ) [水瀬(Minase)] - mio3io ( https://booth.pm/ko/items/4013951 ) [セナ(Sena)] - BlueCloud [NovaBody] ( https://bluecloud.booth.pm/items/6354733 )
しなの(Shinano) - Stylish Wear 0.1v (24/09/30) ┖ [Shape Key] + Hip Big ┖ Modifying the Rigging
💎 Model Information
[FULL SET] (Configuration) └ Shirt └ Pants └ Arm Warmer └ Boots └ Bracelet └ Tag └ Hips (Keyring, Chain) └ Necklace
🧀 Components
- Unity package - PSD, PNG texture file - FBX file * Please used prefab! * Please used Modular Avatar * Please used liltoon Shader
⛔[利用規約 ,이용 약관, Terms of Use] 利用規約
≫ 本モデル、改造モデルの再配布、販売を禁止します。 ≫ 当モデルを使用した際の如何なる不利益が発生した場合でも当方 は一切責任を負いません。 ≫ モデルを改造した後、他人に譲渡することはできません。 ≫ 他人からモデルを改造する作業を依頼された場合、私から別に ご連絡ください 이용 약관 ≫ 본 모델, 개조된 모델의 재 배포, 판매를 금지합니다. ≫ 해당 모델 사용으로 어떠한 불이익이 발생했을 경우 판매자는 일절 책임 지지 않습니다. ≫ 본 모델을 개조한 후 타인에게 양도할 수 없습니다. ≫ 타인에게 모델을 개조하는 작업을 의뢰 받은 경우 저에게 따로 연락하시길 바랍니다. Terms of Use ≫ We prohibit the redistribution and sale of original, modified models. ≫ If any disadvantages arise from the use of the model, you will not be held responsible. ≫ This model cannot be transferred to another person after modification. ≫ Please contact me if you want someone else to modify the model. These terms and conditions may be amended without notice.
📷[Thumbnail Avatar Picture] 【Shinra Avatar】 [Alraune] Twitter - @Alraune_vrc [SUM] Twitter - @SUM_3838 【Manuka Avatar】 [kitsch] Twitter - @vrc_chichi 【Shinano Avatar】 [__chu] Twitter - @myCat_chu 【Airi Avatar】 [핑도리] Twitter - @vrc_pingdori 【Minase Avatar】 [RyuHo] Twitter - @VRC_Ryuho 🥼🖋 Shirt - Design [Kumyo] Twitter - @kumyotang
💬 Communication
If necessary, please contact the contact below 문의가 필요한 경우 아래 연락처로 연락하십시오. 必要な場合は、以下の連絡先にお問い合わせください Booth [ BlueCloud ] Twitter [ @BlueCloud_booth ][ https://twitter.com/BlueCloud_booth ] Email [ howk45@naver.com ]